
Планер DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S

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Microsoft Flight Simulator © Microsoft Corporation. DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S MSFS add-on was created under Microsoft’s «Game Content Usage Rules» using assets from Microsoft Flight Simulator X, and it is not endorsed by or affiliated with Microsoft.


Серия DG Flugzeugbau DG-800 это семейство 15ти и 18ти метровых одноместных планеров и моторизированных планеров, производимых с 1993 года Glaser-Dirks, с 1997 года — DG Flugzeugbau GmbH. DG808S 18ти метровый спортивный планер. Данная модификация имеет выпускаемый реактивный двигатель с тягой 70кгс, достаточной для взлёта или поддержания скорости в воздухе.

Если Вы не планируете использовтаь двигатель, сразу после начала полёта нажмите ГОТОВ К ПОЛЁТУ чтобы прервать руление.

Как альтернатива, можно использовать приложение Kinetic Assistant для запуска с лебёдки или за буксиром (анимированные веревки доступны только в платной версии программы). Так же достуна симуляция термалов — Вы можете добавить восходящие потоки в зоне полётов вручную или загрузить готовые точки с удалённого сервера (лучшее покрытие в районе центральной Европы)

Для участия в соревнованиях можно воспользоваться приложением MSFS ALBATROSS competitions app

Этот проект выпущен коамндой TouchingCloud но по факту является продуктом многих независимых разработчиков и художников:

Flight Simulator X dev team — 3D модель

Michael Rossi — лётная модель, системы

Ian «B21» Lewis — авионика

ANRI — лётная модель, соревнования

David Fairhurst — текстуры

Emil Jacques Watson — текстуры

Got Gravel — лётная модель, системы

Pup Pryde — текстуры

renderpeople — модель пилота

Так же большая благодарность всем, кто участвовал в тестировании и делал обзоры этого планера!


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Установите топливо на 0 если не планируете использовать двигатель, либо нажмите кнопку СТАРТ СТОП для останова двигателя сразу после начала полёта.

Для отключения звука вариометра, покрутите рукоятку справа-сверху от вариометра против часовой стрелки.

Для отцепки троса лебёдки или буксира, созданного KineticAssistant, Вы можете использовать клавишу/кнопку  Toggle water rudder.

Иногда вариометр или карта подвисают, не обновляя значения. Для исправления проблемы выключите питание вариометра/планшета и снова включите.

Для создания ливрей воспользуйтесь этими шаблонами: layout files and blank livery


Вы можете перманентно выставить настройки планера путём правки файла RUNWAY.FLT. Основные параметры:

UNITS_IMPERIAL = 100 футы-узлы / 0 метры-км/ч
VARIO_TONE_ACTIVE = 0 вариометр выключен / 20 без звука / 100 максимальная громкость
NAV_SCREEN = 0 планшет выключен / 100 планшет включен
PILOT_TOGGLE = 0 пилот виден / 100 пилот скрыт
CANOPY OPEN = 100 фонарь закрыт / 100 фонарь открыт
SLIDING_WINDOW = 0 форточка закрыта / 100 форточка открыта
YAWSTRING_TOGGLE = 0 нитка фонаря видна / 100 нитка фонаря скрыта
WINDSTRING_TOGGLE = 0 индикация вертикального втера видна / 100 скрыта

Планер DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S v1.3.1


  • incorrect VNE indication
  • louder variometer
  • flaps handle visual issues

Планер DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S v1.3.0

Issues fixed:

  • airspeed indicator displays adjusted value
  • Assistances disabled
  • front panel frame too dark
  • front panel case too bright
  • spoiler handle green instead of blue
  • flaps handle incorrect position
  • trim handle has no current state indication
  • wheel brake no longer linked with spoilers handle
  • vario sound volume is too low
  • vario tone min/max pitch too narrow
  • smoke and ballast drop effects permanently appear for wingmen created by AirshowAssistant
  • small window frame affected by rain
  • base fuselage texture wear and tear effect is too heavy
  • engine sound too weak from cockpit view


  • pilot toggle triggers placed above seat surface for better accessibility
  • autopilot buttons (bank/heading hold) can be hidden by click on AUTOPILOT label (click same spot to restore)
  • engine nozzle and fan smoothly heat up during heavy load

Планер DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S v1.2.5

— native winch/towplane support

— classic liveries

— custom liveries provided as optional package

— cockpit and exterior models repainted

— LXN by JackBilbo included (optional, ver. Dec 28, 2023)

— wings flutter visual effects (you can restore detached wings and ejected canopy by toggling power switch)

— flight model adjusted for more accurate behaviour

FLARM temporarily removed as script requires update

Планер DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S v0.11.5

— autopilot roll and heading hold modes
— waypoint automatic skip distance changed from 200m to 1.5km
— engine RPM set to 0 if flight started on runway or apron
— FLARM aerial collision warning added
— units switch moved to the STATUS page of tablet

Issues fixed:

— thumbnail is missing
— FLARM react on birds and hotspot spirals
— jet engine sound played during flight  even if engine retracted

Планер DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S v0.11.2

— smooth spoilers animation
— KineticAssistant switches replaced with tablet menu screen (click on microphone to the right to activate this menu)
— wings flutter animation
— jet engine 3d model (retracting/extracting automatically, press red START button to toggle)
— jet engine status screen (replacement for transponder gauge)

Issues fixed:

— ballast dump and smoke effects does not appear in multiplayer
— map glider icon does not move up in split screen mode
— open canopy does not affect exterior sounds volume

Планер DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S v0.10.1

  • canopy glass flickering fixed
  • glider icon of FSSOAR map moved on top of the trail
  • animation of ailerons and flap handle fixed
  • added fictional indication of vertical wind (can be toggled by WHEEL DOWN/DRAG LEFT on yawstring root triangle)

Планер DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S v0.10.0

  • canopy glass materials added (scratches, fingerprints, fogging)
  • smoke and ballast effects fixed
  • flight model reworked to improve stability and performance
  • yawstring code moved from JS to XML (faster animation but less accurate)
  • Water ballast indication in Status page of the NAV screen
  • sinking indication for map’s total energy trail
  • parking brake removed, brakes linked with spoiler handle
  • flaps handle can be moved backward/forward by VR controller

Планер DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S v0.9.4

  • dummy pilot node added to make glider visible on FLARM
  • vario needles indication fixed
  • XML script for smooth thermals lift simulation (KA 0.11.0 or later required)

Планер DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S v0.9.3

  • gauge textures improved
  • doubled mouse pointer near flaps/spoiler handles and radio switches in VR fixed
  • environment occluder box replaced with fuselage shaped model (affect water and grass)
  • ground obstacles warning added for FLARM (sound volume linked with vario tone volume for now); only animated static objects can be detected (like windmill), smoking chimneys of We Love VFR add-on
  • stalling during winch launch fixed

Планер DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S v0.9.2

  • aerodynamics fixes; as flaps drag/lift calculations became really weird after SU5, flaperons deflection by flaps handle became barely visible
  • most levers/switches updated to native trigger templates for better usability and future VR controls support
  • experimental FLARM device — no modes or advanced indication, just pointing to the direction of closest aircraft or ground unit
  • radio and transponder added to the bottom panel (WIP)
  • secondary canopy glass with cockpit reflection removed (now reflection appear only when Windshield effects set to ULTRA)

Планер DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S v0.8.2

Post SimUpdate5 issues fixed:

  • error messages on NAV screen
  • smoke not working
  • ballast effect is broken
  • some cockpit switches does not have label or not clickable
  • FPS drop during the long flight (confirmation needed)
  • compass disc moved down and shaped as cone
  • deployed spoilers cause slip (still may happen)

Планер DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S v0.8.0

  • animated pilot model (toggleable by click on seat)
  • additional liveries
  • cockpit reflection for canopy
  • custom attitude indicator
  • flight track for nav map
  • precise aerodynamics
  • panel light
  • improved textures and materials
  • custom water dump and aerobatic smoke effect

Планер DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S v0.7.4ТЕСТОВАЯ

— custom nav screen; two modes — classic «B21NAV» and «FSSOAR» (fake XCSoar, very unfinished)
— nav screen waypoint autoskip at distance less than 300m
— precise flaps/ailerons angles (affecting flight model behavior)
— controls effectiveness decreased
— custom cockpit sounds (wind, ballast dump, some switches)
— custom pilot model (not animated yet, exterior only)
— template livery «BLACK»; to make your own livery — copy textures and their json files (one json per texture) you want to edit into «textures.BLACK folder», then update JSON of the whole aircraft by JSON Generator (only if new files was added)
— minor gears fixes (still no rotation animation)

Overall progress:

Textures 60%
3D Model 30%
Flight model 70%
Sounds 40%
Gauges 80%
Navigation: 50%
Radio panel 0%

Планер DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S v0.7.3ТЕСТОВАЯ

  • yawstring and slip ball animation improved
  • some sounds added (several switches and open canopy wind)
  • vario needles indication fixed
  • TE/netto needle rotation smoothed
  • Kohlsman setting for altimeter
  • wings livery layout moved to DG808S_W texture
  • vario and altimerer knobs/buttons textured
  • positive vario tone with variable interval
  • scroll actions removed from canopy handles to avoid accidental open/eject

Планер DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S v0.7.2ТЕСТОВАЯ

  • missed polygons fixed
  • pilot size decreased, changed to male
  • advanced materials added, will take a long time until everything could look nice but some things improved already — like chrome cockpit details and brighter needles
  • instruments units switch
  • VR mouse pointer collision surface added into cockpit
  • primitive ballast dump effect at speed more than 30kn (still looks like a fire, hope effects system will be improved soon)

Планер DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S v0.7ТЕСТОВАЯ

Model was converted into native format, so no more limitations with clickable switches, instruments, advanced materials.

What was improved:

— Gauge instruments textures replaced, cockpit and livery improved
— Original animations restored
— Clickable elements restored, some new added. Most levers can be triggered by a mouse wheel. Easter egg hidden somewhere, be the one who found it first :slight_smile:
— Flight model improved to fit real performance data
— tow release handle and winch/towplane switch work only in latest kinetic/albatross versions. you have to launch application and press connect button before flight, or nothing will happen.
— Water ballast:
before take off you can set amount of fuel in left and right wing tip tanks which will be used for the ballast dump valve only. You can set central tank fuel amount if you are using jet engine, once it will be out of fuel — engine will be turned off. When you need to loose some weight — before landing, or to get extra lift, open the valve. When pointer hovered on it — you will see tooltip with total weight of the liquid inside (let’s think it is a water).
Later sound effect will be added and, when smokes implemented, visual effect (probably even after next MSFS update). Hope it will work in multiplayer and in replays properly.

— poor geometry: low poly elements, missing polygons (like outside of canopy)
— no additional sounds (open canopy wind, switches etc.)
— no advanced materials (normals or PBR)
— game crash reported on attempt to restart flight, confirm if happened for you
— default nav display used, buttons squeezed because of unsupported aspect ratio
— unrealistic animation of yaw string
— single livery

Follow Touching Cloud Facebook page for updates announcements

Планер DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S v0.6

  • Installer no longer require FSX assets
  • gauge file names shortened to avoid «Too long path name» Windows error (still may happen)
  • wings flex modifier decreased twice
  • spoilers effectiveness decreased twice
  • sounds minor changes
  • controls effectiveness and overall glider performance adjusted
  • collision points adjusted, wingtip wheels added
  • VR liveries added (to avoid crash to desktop in VR mode)
  • Interior model fixes (to make it looks better in VR mode)


Screenshots by ANRI

Планер DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S v0.5ТЕСТОВАЯ

  • default flaps value set to 0 deg
  • flaps positions number increased to 7, handle animation issues fixed
  • center of gravity values changed
  • auto trim feature works now (Z key)
  • overall flight model improvements
  • speed indicator value replaced from TAS to IAS

Планер DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S v0.4ТЕСТОВАЯ

  • расход топлива двигателем на холостых уменьшен в 10 раз (до 1л/ч)
  • запас топлива увеличен до 2 галлонов
  • изменена аэродинамика закрылок
  • исправлен сдвиг малой стрелки барометра
  • электропитание влияет на работу всех электроприборов
  • указатель усреднённого значения total energy за последние 30сек, со стрелочным индикатором
  • убраны незадействованные указатели вариометра
  • расчёт значения total energy для вариометра, благодарность Яну «B21» за подсказки (netto пока нет)
  • звуковой индикатор вариометра привязан к значению total energy
  • тон вариометра можно отключить комбинацией клавиш Alt+A

Планер DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S v0.3ТЕСТОВАЯ

  • Flight model adjustments
  • Vario sound samples changed
  • Yawstring thickness increased from 2px to 3px
  • Installer remove _CVT_ folder automatically
  • Installer issue with not copying files when «Install» option selected fixed

Планер DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S v0.2ТЕСТОВАЯ

  • Flight model adjustments
  • Yaw string on canopy glass

Планер DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S v0.1ТЕСТОВАЯ

Initial release

  • AIR data import performed
  • Flight model tuning
  • Pseudo jet engine added with very low amount of fuel
  • Asobo_VL3 sounds used
  • Variometer sound tone (can’t be turned off yet)
  • Working gauges (no clickable elements)
  • Canopy transparency fixed

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