
Legacy Importer 0.2.4 minor update

New importer update just released. You can find new fixes in Engine tab for turbines — idle and high RPM percentage values, they are positively affect stability of the engines (thanks Technotech for the tip). Also in Cockpit tab (Full import mode) single RPM or TORQUE gauge will be highlighted depending on current engine type, …


New project — DG-808S glider upgrade

I wish to announce new project started by Michael Rossi, with my assistance. Flight model of this Legacy aircraft greatly improved — AIR data imported, drag and lift variables adjusted to make its performance closer to reality. Most gauges works, in future they also will be improved, both visuals and precision. Automatic installer supports two …


New website just was born

Hey, everyone! I’m Alex, currently doing some development stuff for MSFS, and I have decided to publish all my releases on stand alone website from now. It will give me some freedom with the way how to style my releases, and also provide effective way to sell payware products, if any will appear. Currently only …


JSON Generator

JSON generation tool for MSFS instruments and aircraft data. Script code was borrowed from MSFS Legacy Importer branch.


MSFS Legacy Importer

This is complex tool for importing Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX, 2006) aircraft into Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS, 2020). It does apply all required actions for successful import (like files copying, JSON files generation, critical issues fixing, 2D gauges conversion and other useful stuff). Two levels of import available — Basic and Full. First one providing list of fixes for various critical issues, lights and textures conversion, 2D gauges import. Second also have tools for CFG files manipulations and AIR data migration.


Air Creation 582SL

Legacy aircraft Air Creation 582SL for Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020)


Планер DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S

Серия DG Flugzeugbau DG-800 это семейство 15ти и 18ти метровых одноместных планеров и моторизированных планеров, производимых с 1993 года Glaser-Dirks, с 1997 года — DG Flugzeugbau GmbH. DG808S 18ти метровый спортивный планер. Данная модификация имеет выпускаемый реактивный двигатель с тягой 70кгс, достаточной для взлёта или поддержания скорости в воздухе.